Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Amino Acids Plus Diazepam

Two amino acids hold significant importance in this regards. These are: Glutamate and Asparate. These two amino acids are believed to have a relationship with the seizure disorders and epilepsy (both are one of the symptoms of anxiety disorder). A medical study revealed a decreased amount of amino acids in patients with epilepsy. When treated with diazepam, a noteworthy change in the number of Poly morphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) free amino acid radicals was observed. It was observed that Diazepam had positive effect on the amalgamation and release of GABA and other neurochemicals. It was also observed that diazepam showed a protecting effect on the brain cells and controlled the function of these brains cells by releasing free radicals of amino acids. It was also observed that diazepam enhanced the GABAugic functions by synthesizing these amino acids.Diazepam can be administered orally or through parenteral means. Under certain circumstances, the drug is even streamed into the body through rectal tubes and suppositories. Once the drug is streamed into the blood it reaches the brain and works on GABA. GABA is one of the neuron chemicals which are mainly responsible for keeping the brain functionality normal. GABA is one such neurochemical which is mainly responsible to control the excitability of neurons (brain cells).